We will share with you the useful advices which we think are key for good organisation of working time and increasing of productivity, and believe that, at least some of them, you already practice.
Why do we think that the good organisation is the half way to success you can read in our blog post is the good organisation realy the half of our work?.
Organised and tidy working place is an initial item in good organisation of your business, because it allows you pleasant feeling while doing of business activities, easier managing between shelfs and papers, and as a result increased productivity on working place. Here we would like to put focus on your office desk, where the most important criterium of successful organisation is your managing with it.
Create the incentive working place which will motivate you while doing of business activities. It is proved that plants in office improve your concentration and increase your productivity. And if you have possibility try to „hide“ the cables of technical equipment and remove the things which distract your attention.
Think also how on your productivity impact the colours in space, style of office inventory, type and quantity of light, choice of incentive music, using of essential oils in space...
Very often we accumulate different documents and papers which are in some moment important (or we expect it will become important), but in time we don't need it at all and just burden us and our working place. Therefore, throw often the surpluses which you don't need anymore, and if it is not confidential material, you can use it like working material or even donate it.
As desktop is the first thing what you see after turning on computer in the beginning of working day, it is very important to keep it organised and tidy (very similar as office desk). Clear desktop from unnecessary documents which are accumulated in time, and take account to save the important documents in required folders in computer. Also, choose for you adequately and incentive photo as background for desktop of your computer or combination of more photos which will change periodically.
On the same way as the paper documents should be organised and composed in working place, the documents saved in your computer should be organised logical and under certain categories. On that way you will on the easier and faster way find the documents what you need, and all the new documents will archive under the same principle.
All the contact information of your clients, business partners and institutions keep on the same place or organised on some other way which will ensure to get it the easier and faster. All the passwords for entering into different programs and applications keep saved all in one place (at the same time it is obliged to take account about security of that confidence data). Using of different applications for better data's organisation is welcomed.
Regularly draw up and update the list of tasks, meetings and events on daily (weekly, monthly) basis and certainly keep account about priorities of their completion. To-do lists are indispensable step in good organisation of business activities, and you will choose are you going to have it in planner, mobile or computer, but choose the one what is most effective for you. For us it is still paper and pencil 😊
All the business activities which you have to do in accordance to drawn up to-do list divide by the criteria of theme, importance, required time for execution of tasks and given deadlines, or maybe some other specific criteria. Follow the set-up priorities and act in accordance to them, but stay open for potential changes of plan which will (probably) happened meanwhile. Start from the most important task even if it is the hardest one!
Sometimes it seems like we are burden with e-mails and very easy we can become lost trying to answer on all of it or while looking the certain e-mail with the required information or document. Therefore, it is very important daily sorting of e-mails in accordance to their importance, if necessary saving the documents from attachment, answer the e-mails what we have to answer, read the e-mails which contain useful information (or mark them for afterwards reading) and delete e-mails which are not useful for us. Besides that, we recommend you to unsubscribe from all the mailing lists which themes you are not interested about and which just fill up your inbox.
If you write the blog posts for your web site, send the newsletters and/or have the profiles on the social media, what all require time for preparing and publishing/sending of content, we recommend you to prepare everything in advance, of course to the extent possible. So, when you have a time and inspiration prepare more materials which afterwards, if necessary, just update or adjust and will be ready for publishing/sending.
The part of business is also all of that small, apparently irrelevant (but still very relevant!), daily business activities as writing of letters, analysing of business offers, payment operations, calculations and correspondence... If that activities take your time and energy, and you don't manage all the activities important for your business development, you can contact us for agreement about administrative services and we will agree package and volume of services tailored in accordance to requirements of your business.
And for the end one too important advice for your motivation, but also for your health – timeout during your working time, recommended more times per day. Here we don't think on longer timeout for lunch or walk, but on short stretching, hot drink, fresh air... Quite enough for continue to work with more energy and with better concentration.
Even the smallest changes, for which implementation you don't need much time, can significantly improve your productivity and play a big role in organisation and success of your business.
Do you have any questions related to accounting, business planning or administration?
Accounting, business planning and administrative services. A roadmap for the success of your business.
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